Convenient access to ear and hearing healthcare.
I bring the services to you.
Jason Baker, Au.D.
Doctor of Audiology
With busy and sometimes irregular schedules, I know it can be difficult to access ear and hearing health services. MCA was created in order to provide more convenient and accessible services.
Music Industry Professionals, I know first hand how important your ears are for understanding, creating, and performing music. As a music audiologist, my goal is to advocate for you and your ears. Let me help protect your passion, career, and livelihood.
For those with hearing loss, treatment options can be difficult to navigate, use, and maintain. Without functioning devices, individuals can truly struggle with daily tasks. As a hearing aid expert, I can help restore your communication needs and improve your quality of life.
Hearing aids
Let’s discuss the technology available and find a solution that is right for you
Earmold impressions
Great for musicians looking for in-ear monitors
Custom hearing protection
Keep those ears safe. Specialized products for musicians/concert-goers, swimmers, hunters, travelers, motorcyclists, mechanics/construction workers
Ear canal cleaning
Don’t let those ear canals get plugged up. Cerumen (earwax) removal is a normal part of ear management and will assist in keeping your devices clean and functioning properly
Device cleaning & troubleshooting
Let’s make sure your devices are working at their best. Services include cleaning, connectivity, and proper use of all ear-related devices including hearing aids, hearing protection & in-ear monitors
Audiology consults
Curious about your hearing? Schedule a consult today. This will include a comprehensive hearing exam, comprehensive review of the results, and a discussion of devices that are tailored to your exact needs